Jenny Shen, MD
Investigator, The Lundquist Institute
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Outcomes in the dialysis population, medication safety and effectiveness, racial and ethnic disparities in care
Research Description
Dr. Shen’s research focuses on assessing and improving the outcomes of patients on chronic dialysis, with a particular emphasis on health disparities and medication safety and effectiveness. Her expertise is in analyzing administrative databases (“big data”) using advanced statistical methods that minimize the bias and confounding common in observational studies. She also has an interest in qualitative research, which uncovers patient’s beliefs and perspectives that could be influencing outcomes but that are not currently captured in existing databases.Theme Groups
Research Interests
- BA, 2001, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
- MD, 2006, Columbia University, New York, NY
- MS, 2012, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Recent and/or Significant Publications
Shen JI, Hercz D, Barba L, Wilhalme H, Lum E, Huang E, Salas L, Vangala S, Norris K. Association of Citizenship Status with Kidney Transplantation in Patients on Medicaid. American Journal of Kidney Disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2018 Feb; 71(2): 182–190.
Shen JI, Montez-Rath, ME, Lenihan CR, Turakhia M, Chang TI, Winkelmayer WC. Outcomes after warfarin initiation in hemodialysis patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015 Oct; 66(4): 677–688.
Shen JI, Saxena AB, Montez-Rath ME, Chang TI, Winkelmayer WC. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker use and cardiovascular outcomes in patients initiating peritoneal dialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017 May; 32(5): 862–869.
Shen JI, Mitani AA, Chang TI, Winkelmayer WC. Use and safety of heparin-free maintenance hemodialysis in the USA. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2013 Jun; 28(6): 1589–1602.
Tong A, Manns B, Hemmelgarn B, Wheeler DC, Evangelidis E, Tugwell P, Crowe S, Van Biesen W, Winkelmayer WC, O'Donoghue D, Tam-Tham H, Shen J, Pinter J, Larkins N, Youssouf S, Mandayam S, Ju A, Craig JC, on behalf of the SONG-HD Investigators. Establishing Core Outcome Domains in Hemodialysis: Report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology−Hemodialysis (SONG-HD) Consensus Workshop. Am J Kidney Dis. 2017 Jan; 69(1): 97–107.