Ronald Oudiz, MD
Investigator, The Lundquist Institute
Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Director, Liu Center for Pulmonary Hypertension,The Lundquist Institute
Pulmonary Hypertension, Exercise Physiology, Cardiac Imaging
Research Description
Dr. Oudiz is a specialist in cardiovascular disease, with particular focus on pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure. He has participated in more than 100 clinical trials of novel drugs and modalities to treat pulmonary vascular disease. Dr. Oudiz' area of interest within pulmonary vascular disease is heart and lung function during exercise, and using measurements of cardiopulmonary gas exchange to evaluate and manage patients with pulmonary hypertension.http://PHCenter.LABiomed.org
Research Interests
- MD, 1989, University of Southern California
Recent and/or Significant Publications
Agarwal MA, Shah M, Patel B, Nolan VG, Reed GL, Oudiz RJ, Choudhary G, Maron BA. Association between Pulmonary Hypertension and Clinical Outcomes in Hospitalized Sickle Cell Disease Patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 Aug 15; 198(4): 534–537.
Shapiro S, Torres F, Feldman J, Keogh A, Allard M, Blair C, Gillies H, Tislow J, Oudiz RJ. Clinical and hemodynamic improvements after adding ambrisentan to background PDE5i therapy in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension exhibiting a suboptimal therapeutic response (ATHENA-1). Respir Med. 2017 May;126:84-92.
Oudiz R, Agarwal M, Rischard F, De Marco T. An advanced protocol-driven transition from parenteral prostanoids to inhaled trepostinil in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Pulm Circ. 2016 Dec;6(4):532-538.
Hoeper MM, McLaughlin VV, Barberá JA, Frost AE, Ghofrani HA, Peacock AJ, Simonneau G, Rosenkranz S, Oudiz RJ, White RJ, Miller KL, Langley J, Harris JHN, Blair C, Rubin LJ, Vachiery JL. Initial combination therapy with ambrisentan and tadalafil and mortality in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: a secondary analysis of the results from the randomised, controlled AMBITION study. Lancet Respir Med. 2016 Nov;4(11):894-901.
Galiè N, Barberà JA, Frost AE, Ghofrani HA, Hoeper MM, McLaughlin VV, Peacock AJ, Simonneau G, Vachiery JL, Grünig E, Oudiz RJ, Vonk-Noordegraaf A, White RJ, Blair C, Gillies H, Miller KL, Harris JH, Langley J, Rubin LJ; AMBITION Investigators. Initial Use of Ambrisentan plus Tadalafil in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. N Engl J Med. 2015 Aug 27;373(9):834-44.
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