Do you or does anyone you know suffer from Emphysema?

Are COPD symptoms keeping you from enjoying simple daily activities?
If shortness of breath, severe coughing or wheezing is keeping you from living life to its fullest, here’s some good news: You may qualify for a study that is designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational device that could help you breathe easier. Is this study right for you?
You may qualify for this study if:
• You are between the ages of 40 and 75
• You have not smoked for at least 4 months prior to your screening interview
• Your COPD is stable and you take less than 20 mg of Prednisone or another equivalent medication
• You are successfully participating in, or are willing to participate in a supervised pulmonary rehabilitation program.
These are not the only eligibility requirements for this study.
Emphysema is a chronic and progressive lung disease that causes difficulty breathing. Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? If so, you may be a candidate for the LIBERATE Endobronchial Valve Study. The study is evaluating the Zephyr® Endobronchial Valve – an investigational, minimally invasive treatment option for individuals diagnosed with severe emphysema. Are you interested?
To find out more or to receive a patient brochure, please contact:
Phone: (888) 248-LUNG
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More Information:
Brochure: Become part of this research study
Advertisement: PulmonX print ad
About the Device
Trapped air increases the volume in the diseased portions of the lungs, which compresses the healthier areas and makes breathing more difficult. The placement of the investigational device involves valves that are designed to reduce the volume in the diseased portions of your lungs, so the healthier portions can function better. By relieving your symptoms, you may be able to increase your activity levels and achieve better overall health. The investigational device has been used to treat approximately 7,500 patients in Europe and other countries worldwide since 2003. About the study Until now, COPD patients have had few options for managing their symptoms. As a participant in this study, you could see improvement in your COPD symptoms and help more people with COPD breathe better in the future.What’s expected of you
If you qualify for this study, you will be expected to meet all study requirements, which include:
Consenting to participate in the study
Attending all follow-up visits and participating in all follow-up examinations and tests with your study doctor
Taking all medications and performing all pulmonary rehabilitation programs as directed by the study doctor
Completing questionnaires about your symptoms and overall health
A full description of the study requirements will be discussed with you during the informed consent process. Any study participant may withdraw from the study at any time. How the study works
Informed consent The study doctor or staff will review an Informed Consent Form with you, which explains the investigational device and the study in detail, any known risks or benefits, your rights as a participant and other information you may need to make a decision.
Qualifying examinations/procedures
Next, you’ll undergo some minimally invasive baseline procedures to determine whether you may qualify for the study.
Device placement The final decision about whether you qualify for this study will be made during a bronchoscopy. Please note this is a randomized study. Which means you will be assigned by chance to receive the study device along with optimal medical therapy or to receive medical therapy alone without the investigational device. If you qualify, the study doctor will place the investigational device(s) in the damaged areas of your lungs.
NOTE: This study is designed to test the investigational device against standard treatment for COPD. For every two qualifying study participants who receive the device(s) one qualifying participant does not. 4. Medical support All study participants will receive optimal medical therapy throughout the study regardless of whether they receive the investigational device or not. Your study doctor will keep your regular physician informed about your progress in the study.