Lundquist Investigator Dr. Denise Al Alam Wins the ATS Assembly on Pediatrics Mid-Career Outstanding Contributions Award
ATS (American Thoracic Society) gives this award to a mid-career candidate who is recognized for achievements in research, mentorship, clinical care, education, advocacy, or scholarship.

Dr. Al Alam received this award as a recognition for her numerous contributions to pediatric pulmonary research, mentorship and advocacy. Her research focuses on understanding how progenitor cells of the human lung decide what mature cell type to become and when; and how these decisions are affected by congenital anomalies and prematurity. She is a pioneer in the field of human lung development and made seminal discoveries describing a novel progenitor cell population in the human developing lung.
In addition to her research, she has a track record of mentorship for having mentored several successful students, postdocs and junior faculty. She is an active member of the American Thoracic Society and the American Physiological society where she serves on multiple committees. Furthermore, she is a fierce advocate for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and strives to promoting it in the STEM fields.